Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfall- Psalm 42

In church this week our pastor took the opportunity to encourage us to go deeper in our relationships with God. He said "something deep in the heart of God reaches something deep in the heart of man." I've realized day after day that only God can satisfy my need to be accepted, my longing for purpose and my desperate desire to be unconditionally loved. Only God can satisy these things because we are eternal beings and only God can satisfy our thirst for eternity. It made me really look at my life and all the things I try before allowing God to satisfy me. I attempt to allow money, clothes and earthly relationships to fulfill me and end up disappointed. But on those days when I am desperate and on my knees, when I'm disappointed or upset, and I allow myself to open up to God completely, I find myself satisfied in a way I could never have imagined. It's better than money or clothes. It's eternal and everlasting love and fulfillment. God gives us a purpose. He accepts us and he loves us more than anyone can. So I encourage you to give God your everything. Spend unhurried time each day with God. You can fall on your knees or you can stand with joy and praise Him. You will find yourself loved and fulfilled with the most amazing purpose you have ever experienced.

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